Bon Builders' success in design and construction has been recognized by industry experts who evaluate all facets of a building project. Below is a partial list of our Award-Winning Client Projects.
(Click to view Award-Winning Client Construction Projects)
2005 ABC Award of Excellence – Athletes in Action Dormitory
Housing accommodations for student members of Athletes in Action at Legacy Ministries.
2005 ABC Award of Honor – Gilbert-Fellers Funeral Home
New, larger structure designed and built for an established funeral home.
2004 ABC Award of Excellence – Transfiguration Center
Combination of five double living units for retired priests and a day center/chapel
2004 Award of Honor – The Other Place
Complete renovation of downtown Dayton's daytime homeless shelter.
2003 ABC Award of Merit – Sugar Creek Packing Company
Corporate administration offices and bacon-packing production within the same structure
2003 ABC Honorable Mention – Moraine Community School
Renovated lumber warehouse conversion to classrooms as a community-based education facility
2002 ABC Award of Excellence – Aullwood Audubon Center
Environmental land lab and educational center for community utilization
2002 ABC Honorable Mention – The Avenue
Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church facility for youth athletics, education, dinners, retreats, receptions, conferences and concerts
2002 ABC Honorable Mention – Kohler Kitchen
Administration offices, catering kitchen and banquet facility for private events